

You can email us at or call us at 1-702-795-3314. If you get a voicemail, please leave your full name and number including area code as we maybe assisting other customers. If you do not get an email response in 24-48 hours, please check your spam or junk folder.
Holidays, Saturdays and Sundays Closed, to serve you!
We are located at 4168 North Pecos Road, Ste 102, Las Vegas Nevada 89115.
You can purchase online. We accept paypal, cash and all major credit cards.
We can only ship to physical addresses (Street Number and Street Name) in USA.
Large Items can not be shipped to a PO Box.
(Heaters / Heater Stands / Massage Chairs / Large Massage Pad / Chillers /
You can check the status of your order anytime by logging in to our website, under the “Transactions” section click on “My Orders”. Find your order on the list and click on it to receive the tracking information. To change or cancel an order that has already been processed please contact our Customer Service department for assistance.
Once we process your order for shipping, it can take up to 24 hours for the tracking information to load into the carriers system. Please contact our Customer Service department if your tracking information is still not available after 48 hours from shipping.
Our warehouse is located in Las Vegas, NV as a general guide it will take 2-10 business days for most orders to be received depending on distance from our warehouse.
Contact our Customer Service department by phone 1-702-795-3314 or email and we will be happy to assist you.
Try logging into your account to track your order. If your tracking information is incorrect or not available please contact our Customer Service department for assistance.
First, please review our Return Policy and then give our Customer Service a call at 1-702-795-3314 and we can help you get your item returned.